UX World

More options More problems

More Options, More Problems

“Rule of thumb for UX: More options more problems.” — Scott Belsky Hick’s law states that the more options available for the users, the longer time it will take for them to make a decision. 

Understand User

Understand Your Users

“We tend to be distracted by the voices in our own heads telling us what the design should look like.” — Michael Bierut It’s very natural that when you are designing your product, you feel like a user of your product. You are the …

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Innovation in UX

Adopting Innovation in UX

“Asking users to adopt new behaviors or even modify their existing behaviors is very, very hard.” — Khoi Vinh Change is difficult to accept, but is always for good. When users continuously use a product, they become comfortable with it, although it …

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seek criticism quote

Do Not Seek Praise, Seek Criticism

“Do not seek praise, seek criticism.”–Paul Arden Everyone loves to be praised for his or her good work. It feels really good when someone appreciates you, your work, or your actions.

advanced search UX

How To Improve Advanced Search UX?

Basic search is based on a single parameter whereas Advanced search is a way to find something from large content by defining criteria using multiple parameters