
People ignore design that ignores people.

Why Do You Need to Understand Your Users?

“People ignore design that ignores people.” — Frank Chimero
The core principle of user experience is to keep the user first in your design process. A product that satisfies the needs of its users is a successful product and the users love to work on it.

Design is problem solving

Design is Problem Solving

“Design’s fundamental role is problem solver” – Fast Company Let’s understand what Design is. A collection of art, images, and text combined to give a pleasant look, or does design mean something more?

Colors in Design

Colors in Design

“There is nothing better than to see amazing colors in the right environment, it can change your whole mood.”— Morag Myerscough

design is communication

Design is Communication

“True interactivity is not about clicking on icons or downloading files, it’s about encouraging communication.” – Edwin Schlossberg An interactive design needs to be communicative. It should communicate with the user in a way that the user understands it fully …

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Simplicity in Design

Simplicity in Design

“Perfection is achieved not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.” –Antoine de Saint-Exupery

incremental design

Benefits of the Incremental Design Approach

“Designers are afraid of incremental design but to launch faster you need an incremental vision.”— Katie Dill An incremental vision allows you to deliver the output, in our case design, in small increments to your customer.

More options More problems

More Options, More Problems

“Rule of thumb for UX: More options more problems.” — Scott Belsky Hick’s law states that the more options available for the users, the longer time it will take for them to make a decision. 

Understand User

Understand Your Users

“We tend to be distracted by the voices in our own heads telling us what the design should look like.” — Michael Bierut It’s very natural that when you are designing your product, you feel like a user of your product. You are the …

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