UX World

seek criticism quote

Do Not Seek Praise, Seek Criticism

“Do not seek praise, seek criticism.”–Paul Arden Everyone loves to be praised for his or her good work. It feels really good when someone appreciates you, your work, or your actions.

advanced search UX

How To Improve Advanced Search UX?

Basic search is based on a single parameter whereas Advanced search is a way to find something from large content by defining criteria using multiple parameters

Usability Testing of WhatsApp Web

A Usability Test on WhatsApp Web

WhatsApp WhatsApp is a messaging service for mobile phones and the web that allows you to send text messages, images, audio and video through the internet. WhatsApp is being used worldwide and is the most popular online messaging app.

All Caps Text

All Caps on UI: Good or Bad?

Using All Caps on UI does not sound like a good practice. There are many other ways to emphasize your point when you are putting textual information in design.