Ease of use

Ease of Use May Be Invisible, But Its Absence Sure Isn’t

Last Updated on January 10, 2024 by UX World

“Ease of use may be invisible, but its absence sure isn’t.” — IBM

Ease of use describes how easily your users can use your product and perform a desired task.

Ease of use is a fundamental part of UX design, and its absence can annoy users enough that they decide to leave the product. Hence ease of use enhances the overall experience of your product and is a critical factor to improve user satisfaction.

So, how you can achieve ease of use in your product design?

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  • To achieve ease of use, you need to perform user research. You are building something for your users, and it is important to find out what they want to achieve while using your product. Meet your users, ask questions, understand their problems, and think about the best possible solution.
  • Discuss the solution with users and get their feedback. Involve users in your design process and validate your ideas during each stage of the process.
  • Make careful decisions while committing additional functionality for your product as if you provide a lot of features, then you may have to compromise the ease of use.
  • Define metrics that help you understand you are creating something easy to use. For example, if you are designing a travel app, the users must be able to find the desired route within 10-12 seconds.

Make ease of use your priority. Ease of use is the first thing that a user is going to feel in your product. Indeed, ease of use is not visible in your design, however, its absence will be obvious within a few seconds when users start interacting with your product.

“People choose not on the basis of what’s most important, but on what’s easiest to evaluate.” — Barry Schwartz

Learn UX Design

To learn more on how to design better experiences, consider the Interaction Design Foundation’s (IDF) online courses on User Research – Methods and Best Practices.

Apart from courses, webinars, and bootcamps, the IDF is also home to the biggest and most authoritative library of open-source UX Design Resources. Check out the free UX Literature here.

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