
A Prototype Is Worth 1000 Meetings


“If a picture is worth 1000 words, a prototype is worth 1000 meetings.” – Tom & David Kelley

The idiom “A picture is worth a thousand words” refers to the notion that a complex idea can be conveyed with a single still image. The same is the case with a prototype. A prototype is a clickable journey of your proposed design.

With a prototype, it becomes easier to convey your concept and user flow to your customer before writing a single line of code. Getting early feedback and making updates in a prototype is more convenient and less costly as compared to making changes in an implemented system.

Design can be finalized to the maximum possible extent before the implementation phase. A prototype cannot cover every aspect of your product, but it helps you finalize the layout and user flow.

Make prototyping part of your design process. Prototypes can be used to define product enhancements and for pre-sale activities. A well-defined prototype can increase your customer lead generation.

“Without a prototype, it’s only a concept. It can be difficult to get a potential client to commit to the purchase of a concept.”–Steve Upton

A big advantage of prototyping is that if it is right, you will earn the project, and if it is wrong, you will learn about things to avoid in the future.

Thanks for reading.

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