Think of Thousand Ideas

Think of a Thousand Ideas to Get the Best One

Last Updated on July 30, 2024 by UX World

“If I have a thousand ideas and only one turns out to be good, I am satisfied.” — Alfred Nobel

The human brain is always filled with thoughts. According to research, an average person has approximately 60,000 thoughts per day.

These thoughts become ideas when they are planned or processed. An idea refers to a plan or process in mind that relates to the completion of a work or task.

When we try to resolve a problem in our daily lives, we think of many ideas.

Not all of them are workable or good enough. However, you can see that each idea will help you refine your thoughts and generate further ideas. Out of so many ideas, you decide the best one to follow and resolve your problem.

The same applies to user experience (UX) design.

UX designing helps you solve design problems. You are helping your users to perform their tasks easily while working on your product.

  • To solve a design problem, you need to gather many ideas.
  • Think of possible solutions, discuss them with stakeholders, and refine your ideas.
  • Prioritize some of the great ideas and prototype them.
  • Test those ideas with users and choose the best one that matches your users’ needs.

The point here is that you think of a large number of ideas, they can be hundreds or thousands, but you may finalize the one best idea to move further. Your efforts to build, discuss, refine, and test these ideas help you reach the best solution.

It simply means all of these ideas help you go through the process. No effort is wasted when you are working in the UX design field. Each mistake is a chance to learn something new.

“Your thousand ideas will move you towards a refined one that can have the ability to change the world.” – UX World

Iteration and improvement are the keys to success in the UX design field.

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