Make money online as UX Designer in 2024

8 Proven Ways to Make Money Online as a UX Designer in 2024

Last Updated on August 28, 2024 by UX World

The demand for UX designers is high as businesses must satisfy their users through amazing experiences. At the same time, there are several opportunities for UX designers to make money online. Whether you want to expand your income streams or make a full-time living online, there are plenty of options to explore.

We will discuss 8 proven ways to make money online as UX designers in 2024.

Remember, online earning has never been easy. We will give you a real picture by listing certain challenges and harsh truths rather than showing a fantasy online earning world.

How to Make Money Online

Below are the 8 ways to make money online as a UX designer in 2024.

  1. Freelance
  2. Create and Sell UX Courses
  3. Create a UX Blog and YouTube Channel
  4. Offer UX Consultation Services
  5. Participate in UX Design Contests
  6. Sell Digital UX Products
  7. Conduct Webinars and Workshops
  8. Build a Personal Brand on Social Media
8 Ways to make money online as UX designer in 2024

Grow your UX career using this UX Career Study Guide.

1. Freelance

Freelancing is a popular way for UX designers to find work online. Platforms like Upwork and Fiverr offer a wide range of projects.

To work as a freelance UX designer, you must take care of the following.

Create an attractive profile

Highlight your key skills, experience, and portfolio. Make sure to include testimonials from past clients and detailed descriptions of your services.

Set competitive rates

Research the cost of other UX designers at your level and price your services accordingly. Consider starting with lower rates to build your reputation and gradually increase them.

Apply consistently

Apply for jobs regularly and build relationships with clients. Join relevant groups and forums to network and find job leads. Keep your profile updated and respond quickly to client inquiries.

Retain clients

Offer excellent service to turn one-time projects into long-term relationships.


  • High competition: Many UX designers are applying for the same project, making it hard to stand out.
  • Low initial pay: New freelancers often need to start with lower rates to build their reputation, which can be discouraging.
  • Unstable income: Freelance work can be inconsistent, leading to little income.

2. Create and Sell UX Courses

Teaching your expertise to junior UX members can be a great way to earn passive income. The details below will help you perform better as a UX mentor.


Udemy, Skillshare, and Teachable are popular options to create and sell your course. You can also use your own website to sell your courses.


Focus on creating high-quality, engaging content. Prepare quizzes and assignments to engage the students. Offer downloadable resources like templates and checklists to support them.

Marketing strategies

Publish your courses on your website and promote them on social media. Collaborate with other mentors and professionals in your field to reach a wider audience. Offer discounts and free trials to attract students.


  • Time-consuming: Creating high-quality courses requires significant time and effort.
  • Effective Marketing: Without effective marketing, your course may not reach a wide audience.
  • Platform charges: Course platforms often take a significant cut of your earnings.

3. Create a UX Blog and YouTube Channel

Sharing your knowledge in textual and visual formats can help you earn money in several ways. A personal blog and a YouTube channel help you share your knowledge. You can use the following ways to earn money with your blog and channel.


Use platforms like Google AdSense to display ads on your blog and YouTube channel. Create content that attracts high traffic to increase ad revenue.


Partner with companies to write sponsored content. Reach out to businesses that align with your niche and propose collaboration ideas.

Affiliate marketing

Promote related products or services and earn a commission on sales. Choose products you trust, and provide honest reviews and recommendations.


Interact with your audience, respond to comments, and create community-driven content. Conduct polls and surveys to understand your audience’s interests.


  • Traffic: Building good traffic can take months or even years.
  • Monetization: Earning significant income from ads, sponsorships, or affiliate marketing requires high traffic and strategic content.
  • Consistency: Maintaining a blog requires regular updates and fresh content, which can be time-consuming.

4. Offer UX Consultation Services

If you are an expert UX designer, selling your services can be a good way to earn money.

Sell services

Create a professional website and offer consulting packages. Include case studies and testimonials to build credibility. You can use a professional platform like LinkedIn to showcase your work.

Pricing models

You can choose to charge either hourly or per project. Providing various packages will help you meet the diverse needs of your clients.

Find clients

Network on LinkedIn, attend industry events and join UX communities. Participate in webinars and podcasts to showcase your expertise. Offer free initial consultations to attract potential clients.


  • Finding clients: In the beginning, it can be challenging to find the right clients.
  • Inconsistent work: You may not get consulting projects regularly, leading to fluctuating income.
  • High expectations: Clients often expect quick and high-quality deliverables, which can be stressful.

5. Participate in UX Design Contests

Design contests can be an interesting way to earn money and gain recognition. You can search for design contests and show your expertise by participating and competing with other designers.

Find contests

A few popular sites conducting design contests are 99designs, DesignCrowd, and Dribbble. Keep on checking design forums and social media for announcements about upcoming design contests.

Plan to win

Follow the rules, submit high-quality designs, and engage with the community. Research past winners to understand what judges are looking for. Collaborate with other designers to improve your submissions.

Share your wins

Use your contest designs to build your portfolio and attract clients. Highlight your achievements on your website and social media profiles. Winning these contests can open doors to bigger projects and clients.


  • Uncertain outcomes: There is no guarantee of winning, which means you might invest time without any return.
  • Spec work concerns: Some contests are considered spec work, where designers create work without assurance of payment.
  • Time investment: Contests can be time-consuming, with no guarantee of compensation.

6. Sell Digital UX Products

Creating digital products can provide a steady income stream. Use your unique expertise to design valuable products that meet the needs of your audience.

Product types

These digital products can include e-books, design wireframes, UI kits, and design systems. Additionally, you can create and sell plugins, icons, and other design resources.


Some popular platforms for selling digital assets are Etsy, Gumroad, and Creative Market. Alternatively, you can create your own online store using Shopify or BigCommerce.

Pricing strategies

Research similar products to determine competitive pricing. Offer bundle deals and discounts for bulk purchases. Provide free samples to attract buyers and encourage them to purchase your premium products.


  • Market saturation: A lot of ebooks, templates, and tools in the market make it hard to stand out.
  • Upfront investment: High-quality products require time and sometimes financial investment.
  • Ongoing updates: Customers expect regular updates and support, which can be demanding.

7. Conduct Webinars and Workshops

Online events like webinars and workshops can be a great way to share your expertise and earn money. It helps to network with people of similar interests and hence can be a good way to find new opportunities.

Plan and promote

Choose topics that interest your audience and prepare a great event where people can both learn and share. Plan your event and promote it on social media. Partner with other related experts to co-host events and reach a broader audience.

Engage with audience

Conduct interactive sessions involving group exercises, polls, and creative discussions. Don’t forget to provide downloadable resources and follow-up materials.

Monetize webinars

Charge a fee for attendance or offer premium access to recorded sessions. It is useful to offer tiered pricing with different levels of access and bonuses.


  • Audience building: Attracting a substantial audience can be tough.
  • Technical issues: Running online events can be tiring with technical difficulties that can disrupt the experience.
  • Preparation: Creating engaging, valuable content for webinars and workshops takes significant preparation time.

8. Build a Personal Brand on Social Media

A strong online presence can open up many opportunities. You can showcase your work on social media platforms and build an audience. People will trust you and it helps you to stand out in the crowd.


You can start by focusing on LinkedIn, Instagram, X, and YouTube. Avoid trying to manage all platforms simultaneously to prevent feeling overwhelmed. As a UX designer, LinkedIn is a great starting point because it helps you to reach a professional audience.

Content strategy

Plan your social media strategy. Decide on content types and format. Share your work, provide tips and insights, and engage with your followers. Post regularly and use a mix of content types, such as videos, infographics, and stories.


You can monetize your content through sponsored posts, brand partnerships, and affiliate marketing. Offer paid consultations and promote your own products and services.


  • Consistency: Building a strong personal brand requires consistent effort and content creation.
  • Patience: Building an audience on social media takes a lot of time. It is very easy to give up if you are not getting the desired results.
  • Negative feedback: Being in the public eye can attract negative comments and criticism, which can be discouraging.


While there are many ways to earn money online as a UX designer, it is essential to be aware of the challenges and realities. Patience, perseverance, and continuous learning will help you overcome the challenges and achieve success.

Grow your UX career using this UX Career Study Guide.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How do I get started with freelancing?

Create a profile on platforms like Upwork or Fiverr, and start applying for jobs that match your skills. Make sure to showcase your best work and ask for client reviews.

2. What tools do I need for creating UX design courses?

A: A good microphone, screen recording software, and a platform like Udemy or Skillshare. Consider investing in a high-quality camera and lighting setup for professional-looking videos.

3. How can I promote my UX blog?

Use social media, SEO, and email marketing to drive traffic to your blog. Collaborate with other bloggers and influencers to reach a wider audience.

4. What should I include in a UX audit report?

Identify usability issues, provide recommendations, and include screenshots and examples. Use clear and concise language and offer actionable insights.

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