UX Career Title

How to Become a Good UX Designer?

Last Updated on August 28, 2024 by UX World

UX Design is a career for you if you have relevant education, are interested in design thinking, want to study human behaviors or love innovation and creativity.

There is huge competition in the UX field in the industry, and becoming a good UX designer requires a lot of hard work. As Pele mentions, Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice, and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.”

Below are a few key points that will help you become a good UX designer and earn recognition for your design work at the start of your job.

How to Become a Good UX Designer by UX World
How to Become a Good UX Designer by UX World
Grow your UX career using this UX Career Study Guide.

1. Proper Planning

If you want to become a good UX designer, plan every task when it is assigned to you. No one needs to ask you to do it, but make it a habit to plan each assignment before starting it.
  • To plan properly, it is essential to understand the requirements clearly.
  • Divide your assignment into smaller tasks and plan it. This will help you to remain organized and focused on your goal.
  • Provide estimates, if you are asked to do so. Sometimes, you are only informed about deadlines. It is fine. However, don’t forget to raise a red flag if the deadline is unrealistic. Getting delayed is not bad, but not putting up the flag at the right time is considered to be your mistake.
  • Keep a cushion for updates. Design assignments always require reviews and hence multiple iterations.
Plan your work for today and every day, then work your plan.” — Margaret Thatcher

2. A lot of Research

Keep yourself updated. You have a vast world of internet. Go to the web and study relevant material.

  • Get inspired by beautiful designs and usable experiences.
  • Find ideas that nurture your design skills. Look for the latest trends and follow them. There are authentic guidelines available on the internet for UI controls, interactions, and layoutsYou don’t have to invent things from scratch. A few examples are Google, Windows, and Apple design guidelinesPick the ones that best match your requirements and stick to them.

The best way to earn respect is to enhance your knowledge, apply it, and provide value.

“Find out what’s really out there. I never said to be like me, I say be like you and make a difference.” — Marilyn Manson

3. Reiteration

Becoming a good UX designer and creating good designs always take multiple iterations. Perfection cannot be achieved in a single attempt. Try again and again.

“If at first, you don’t succeed, try, try, try again.” — William Edward Hickson
  • Stakeholders will review your work. They will ask you for modifications. Sometimes the requirement changes altogether, and your entire work gets discarded, but the experience you gain in this process will never go wasted.
  • Behind every pixel of design, there is a complete thinking process. And this experience helps you grow in your field.
“Few ideas work on the first try. Iteration is key to innovation.” — Sebastian Thrun

4. Discontentment

Nothing can help you more than the desire to improve your work.

  • Don’t stop trying until your craving for designing the best is satisfied.
  • You are the one who will decide when to stop, and no one else can tell you that you are done.
  • Always set a level of discontent that helps you to feel the urge to grow.
“Discontentment and reiteration are vital to good design.” — Sammuel Nevarez

5. Extra Efforts

The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra. — Jimmy Johnson

If you want to stand out in your job, put extra effort into completing your tasks.

  • Do not limit your thinking. 
  • Go beyond the given requirements both in backward and forward directions. 
  • Give people pleasant surprises by providing something they are not expecting.
  • Additional efforts can take you anywhere you want to go. Most people do not bother going beyond the stories they are told to do. You have to go if you want to be successful.
“Believe in yourself and you will be unstoppable.” — Emily Guay

6. Never Giving Up

UX design is a subjective thing. People will criticize you and your ideas. They will try to empower you with their opinions. Take their feedback positively. See what can be improved in your work.

  • Never give up if someone does not appreciate your efforts. Just keep on fulfilling your responsibilities efficiently. 
  • It is hard to beat a person who never gives up, and you can be the one.
  • Becoming a good UX designer requires you never to give up!
“There is no substitute for hard work. Never give up. Never stop believing. Never stop fighting.” — Hope Hicks

7. Logical Reasoning

If you have expertise and your work is based on proper research, you can easily defend your work with strong arguments.

  • Try to present each point logically.
  • Knowledge brings confidence. Remember you are the only master of your design and no one in the room has researched as you did.
  • Don’t be afraid of anyone. Your colleagues want to see you succeed as a good UX designer. They will support you if you are right. The only essential thing is to be prepared.
“Your voice can change the world.” — Barack Obama

8. Being Ahead of Deadlines

Try hard to meet your deadlines.

  • Do not prolong your tasks. It becomes so obvious and makes a bad impression.
  • If you are done, submit your work. Don’t wait for someone to ask you for it. Work on your deadlines.
  • Be open to new challenges. Demand for further tasks and never sit idle.
“I’m very good at setting goals and deadlines for myself, so I don’t really need that from outside.” — Judy Blume

Final Thoughts…

The above characteristics will help you become a good UX designer and make you a responsible and reliable team member in your UX career. The first impression lasts forever unless you try to change it, so it is better to work hard to earn recognition and respect. And remember that do not spoil your positive image by losing these attributes at any time later.

The key to becoming a good UX designer is here for you to follow 🙂

Grow your UX career using this UX Career Study Guide.

Want to Learn UX Design?

  • Try Interaction Design Foundation. IxDF offers online design courses covering the entire UX design spectrum, from foundational to advanced level. As a UX Design World reader, you get 25% off your first year of membership with the IxDF.
  • The UI/UX Design Specialization from Coursera brings a design-centric approach to user interface and user experience design and offers practical, skill-based instruction centered around a visual communications perspective. By learning this Design Specialization, you can design high-impact user experiences for your customers.

Thanks for reading.

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